The archives available for download and the code on Launchpad come with a tests folder. This code that uses a Response and PagedResponse object is basically identical. In the case of a PagedRequest object, additional pages of data are automatically fetched as needed as you step through the data returned. This object provides an easy means of stepping through the objects returned. All requests (with perhaps one or two exceptions) return an instance of a Response or PagedResponse object. If none of the classes meets your needs, you can easily implement the CacheBase class in one of your own classes and customize it to your heart's content. The library comes with two classes that can be set to automatically cache the responses of all API requests made: an SQL cache class (compatible with all database systems that have a PDO driver) and a filestore class (which stores the cached data on the filesystem).

Stack.PHP is designed to use as few API requests as possible. Here are just some of the features Stack.PHP offers:
These new changes allow certain tasks to be coded in a much more logical manner while still providing full access to all routes in the API. Stack.PHP has been completely rewritten from scratch to facilitate a comprehensive restructuring of the code. Then head over here for a quick tutorial on setting up and using Stack.PHP. Begin by checking out the Stack.PHP website.