
Endless space 2 constellations
Endless space 2 constellations

endless space 2 constellations

This chapter explores how David Clark’s net.art piece 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) (2008) stands as one of the digital torches of this on-going definition path within the Canadian landscape. The continuous production of literary objects shows that as the field of e-lit constantly expands around the world, national literary frameworks begin to emerge in diverse digital creation latitudes. The Canadian bilingual landscape of electronic literature is composed of multiple artists and creators whose works have become important first stones in shaping the country’s e-literary history mosaic. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations These are the rewards for a quest any faction can receive simply for having >10 Niris population on at least two systems.“Uttering a word is like striking a note in the keyboard of imagination” Honor Bound: Law is replaced by "+3% Bonus Keii gains after a space/ground battle per System Level on Systems".

endless space 2 constellations

It's great for almost any strategy, and if you're playing economically, it could kick in right when you're trying to push a few systems past the limit allowed by all the expansion techs, or if you're doing conquest, it helps immensely with taking the happiness hit of numerous, occupied enemy systems. The best thing about the per-pop bonus is that it scales perfectly with exactly the thing you're trying to fight - negative, per-pop maluses on less-than-perfect planets. +5 per system level on systems, +1 per pop on systemsĮditor's Notes: This is potentially a +20 flat bonus from 'system level' if you've got a L4 system, in addition to the sizable per-pop bonus. It is especially effective in more modernized systems, where the society infrastructure can make the recycling processes more aesthetically appealing. Symbiotic Living - Zero Tolerance Waste Actīringing their expertise in ecologically-minded living to ensure that all materials are recycled back into use, the enaction of this piece of Niris-inspired legislation raises Approval levels across the Empire. Political opinion less impacted by events Political opinion more impacted by events Despite using inventive liquid tanks to traverse the land, the Niris are still most at home in water the interiors of their space craft are more like verdant aquariums than typical sterile ships. Now, among the remains, harmonious technologies maintain clean oceans and support myriad colorful life.

endless space 2 constellations

These act as a constant reminder to the Niris, and help sustain their ecological outlook on life. Today, endless miles of bleached coral, huge rusting industrial facilities, and the mass graves of extinct fellow sea-dwellers still litter the ocean floor. A time of rampant expansion and population growth led to the ecosphere coming close to utter destruction.

Endless space 2 constellations